Saturday, March 27, 2010

Time to reactivate

I set this blog aside almost four years ago in favor of another Bahama Village blog.  That one has now disappeared, so I'm reactivating this as a vehicle for discussing matters that affect Bahama Village and its residents.

We moved out of Bahama Village since this blog began.  We've lived in three other locations in Key West in the intervening years, one in New Town and two in Old Town.  We're in Old Town now, and still in Commissioner District VI which encompasses Bahama Village, but we're not living in BV now.

Nevertheless, I've maintained a strong connection to the Village through my membership on the Bahama Conch Community Land Trust Board of Directors, and my continued interest in the development of the Truman Waterfront.

There's room here for more than one voice (mine), so I invite your liberal use of the Comments feature here.  I'd also be happy to have  co-authors if anyone is of a mind to commit to something like that.

I can be reached in a variety of ways.  E-mail is what I prefer:  Leave a comment here and I'll be automatically notified by e-mail.  If you want to talk to me by phone or in person, leave a message and I'll get back to you to set that up.
